Sunday, September 19, 2010

Georgia up to 9 Months

Another quick post since I don't know when I'll get the chance again. The St. Germain family is off to California but trying to squeeze in work and house hunting, Georgia needs her own room! Here is what she has been up to most recently:

Perfecting her eating skills with her O's

She loves to cuddle with Daddy

Fun adventures with the wildlife of Hawaii

Showing off her pulling up abilities
9 months old with Fred the Monkey

Enjoying her books

Showing off her playground attire. We still didn't have any real shoes for her until 2 days ago so Nana improvised.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Georgia Up to 8 Months

Georgia has been very busy these last few months, growing big (20 lbs and 29 inches), eating solid foods, learning to crawl, pulling to standing, and exploring everything and anything just don't give her a toy. She is only interested in paper, tupperware, lint on the floor, anything but! Here are our favorite memories from the last four months:

Georgia practices eating her first food and not getting it up her nose.

There are her two favorite toys of the moment.

More first bites. Here is is wearing Dad's favorite shirt with a fish hook.

Nana takes a shot.

Playing in her pool of toys, Patty Hirst's brilliant idea!

6 months old with Fred the Monkey

Big smiles all the time.

Georgia loves her sleep. Once the doctor told us she doesn't need to eat at night we stopped feeding her and now she sleeps right through, most of the time....

Our little water baby! Georgia goes to the pool a few times a week and practices jumping off the side from sitting, dunking her head and floating on her back.

Our first Father's Day celebration at Blu Water Grill. Georgia shows off her eating technique of opening her mouth really big so we are sure not to miss.

The big blue eyes.

Kisses for Daddy.

Looking so cool in her Polo and shades.

Georgia practices playing nicely with Johanna, her due date twin (born one week earlier), at the BOH Charity Walk. They have on the EXACT same Polo outfit, different colors, and completely not planned.

At her first luau for our friend Dave Jensen

Sporting 4th of July outfit #1 thanks to Auntie Rhonda

4th of July outfit #2

7 months old and getting tired of these pictures!

But of course she humors Mommy and plays nicely with Fred.

She LOVES reading with Nana. They go to the library all the time.

Getting ready for a bike ride with Dad.

Showing off her Plank-to-Downward Dog-to-Knees drawling technique (and her super cool shades)

Playing with her Auntie Judy and her jewelry. She loves playing with necklaces and bracelets.

Her first driving lesson with Mickey.

8 months with Fred

Really getting the hand of crawling, a girl on the move!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Georgia Visits Washington

On May 21st we embarked on our first airplane trip to beautiful Washington to visit the St. Germain family. It was a wonderful trip full of family and fun. Here are some of our favorite memories:

Georgia is all ready for her first road trip, a 5 hour drive from Seattle to Spokane

Making a pit stop to check out the view and the cold!

Georgia LOVES her aunties Terri, Chris, Tina and Patty

She also loved to meet Nana & Poppa Brown

The first ATV ride for Georgia and her mom. Chloe is an excellent navigator up front.

Her first carousel ride at Riverfront Park in Spokane

Playing around with her cousins Victoria and Kasay

A special visit with Great Aunt Bess

Georgia loves her Grandpa St. Germain

Cousin Tim made her laugh

A visit to super mom Lisa and her newborn Ruby and daughter Lucy

Georgia's first experience with a dog

And the johhny jumper which she loved

So much it made her fall asleep
Another first, snow!

With the boys Chip, David Davis and Kenny Brown at the Longhorn in Tacoma

With Auntie Chris on her birthday

Celebrating Chris's birthday at Steamboat Annies with Auntie Patty and the rest of the family

We started the trip with 6 diapers, 3 changes of clothes and 1 happy baby. We ended with 2 diapers, no clothes and a baby who took a 6 hour nap the minute we got home.